E-Worx takes a lifetime of on the job experience in every aspect of power systems operation and makes it available online. Whether you are a frontline technician, a utility engineer, or perhaps an administrator or other non-technical employee, E-Worx courses provide practical, real-life engineering and problem-solving skills.
They were designed to meet the needs of all staff at Local Distribution Companies and other power distribution companies, and are also widely used by staff at firms that work with and for power distribution companies.
Our courses were created in partnership with Dr. Wallas Khella , Ph.D., P. Eng., SLMIEEE, FEIC. Dr. Khella has more than 40 years’ experience in the power distribution sector as both a senior manager and consultant. He is widely recognized for developing the power distribution industry’s gold standard training program.
In addition to delivering outstanding training and information, E-Worx uses state-of-the-art e-learning technology to make that content accessible through the Internet – anywhere, anytime and on any device or platform. This flexibility means that E-Worx courses can be easily integrated into the on-boarding process for new staff. They can also become a valuable component of both apprenticeship programs, and ongoing learning and development programs for more experienced employees.